Below are samples of information technology projects I have done, along with a short description on each.
Math Fun Day
Each year, the Math Department at Florida State University hosts Math Fun Day, a daylong event to make math more accessible to K-12 students in the greater Tallahassee area. The event was cancelled in 2021 and 2022 due to Covid concerns—this web version creates a digital equivalent and supplements the in-person event in places. I am still building out the functionality and design with Next.js, but the website can be viewed at Math Fun Day.
Health Tracking Journal
I built this project for my advanced web applications course in my graduate web design certificate at FSU. I used MongoDD and serverless functions for the backend, with React.js for the frontend. This app tracks a user’s health problems and arranges them into viewable cards. I am currently working on a demo, but if you don’t mind creating an account, you can view the app at Health Tracking Journal.
Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend is a social connections app that is available on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. I built the app using Flutter to achieve a feel native to both platforms. The app is connected to Firebase’s Cloud Firestore database. It includes a messaging feature, a novel friend-adding system, and a customizable profile.
Virtual Canvas Help Desk
I built this prototype to reduce the number of support calls we receive about the Canvas learning management system. Some calls we receive can be handled by asking the user a few simple questions; this tool simulates that for the user for technical problem that occur outside business hours or during times of high call volume. The tool is built using HTML and Javascript, and it used a JSON file to organize the data. The tool can be found at the Virtual Help Desk.
RSA Math (Outdated)
I created RSA Math as a repository for supplemental math materials I create with InDesign. The materials are grouped into categories by topic, and all the documents are free to be used and shared. The website itself is built with Wix, and I hope to introduce games and interactivity in the future. Note: content is outdated, as I am transitioning the files to Mozzarella Math, where content is embedded onto the page with MathML and MathJax for improved educational accessibility.