My journey to learning web development and programming has been unconventional and meandering. I’ve developed skills with python and a number of JavaScript libraries, along with traditional HTML and CSS focused on responsive, accessible design. My current area of focus is building back-end skills and optimizing the code I write for time efficiency.
Math Fun
I began developing Math Fun as a digitization of Math Fun Day with the FSU Math Department. The collaboration eventually fell through, but I am continuing to build out components for the website. The purely front-end project is built on React.js, and it uses p5.js for visualization of some of the components. Math Fun Github Repo.
eTextbook Retrieval Automation
This project serves to automate a number of process associated with FSU Libraries’ eTextbook program. Previously, the Libraries used part-time staff to manually compile thousands of entries. I drastically reduced time spent on this project by automating calls to an API, compiling results in the needed CSV files, and running a bot with Selenium to check access models (which were generated separately from the API). eTextbook Automation Github Repo.
Video Format Conversion Automation
FSU is currently maintaining a collection of over 800 videos developed from 2007-2015 through the GEOSET initative. These videos can only run through the outdated Mediasite player and cost the university more than $10,000 per month. To preserve these records, I wrote a collection of python scripts to download the collection of files, convert the slides (images) into video based on timings pulled from xml, and overlay the slides with a speaker video if necessary. The project used a Selenium bot and a number of video manipulation libraries for python. I am still manually filtering the videos because of the variability of folder structure, file type, and file names, but once that is finished, we will be able to stop hosting the videos through Mediasite.
Drupal Development
I continually test and build pages in a Drupal development environment for FSU Libraries. I use a combination of Feeds, Views, custom Content Types, and JavaScript to ensure quality and accessibility of the Libraries’ webpages.
Friend of a Friend Mobile App
I built Friend of a Friend with Flutter and Firebase in 2020. The app features the ability to import contacts, add friends, and send messages.
Simple Platforming Game (Under Construction)
I am currently (September 2023) building a platforming game using the p5 JavaScript library. At the moment, it’s just a bouncing circle, but there will be more soon. Platforming game Github Repo.